UPCOMINGPAST EVENTSJanuary 22-23, 2016 MIND BODY SPIRIT FAIR - Readings by Judi, Tarot & AstroDice at Cecil College October 9, 2015 DOORS, KEYS, BRIDGES, PORTALS: HOW TO REACH YOUR INNER GUIDES & HIGHER SELF - Discussion of The Four Steps of "The Wisdom Keys" at Cecil College, Elkton MD. August 24, 2015 SPIRIT GUIDES, ANGELS, ELDERS ~ ARE THEY SPEAKING TO US?, Dover Public Library, Free discussion. August 22, 2015 Psychic Fair, Wapiti Retreat, North East, MD. psychic readings using Tarot & AstroDice May 8, 2015 "DOORS, KEYS, BRIDGES, PORTALS: HOW TO REACH YOUR INNER GUIDES HIGHER SELF" at Cecil College, Elkton MD. March 12, 2015 "USING ASTROLOGY TO UNDERSTAND KARMA" at Inspirit Studios, Dover DE. April 23, 2015 "HOW TO USE ASTROLOGY FOR BUSINESS" at the Rotary Club, Dover DE March 29, 2014 HOLISTIC HEALTH FAIR at Cape Henlopen High School, Lewes DE January 18 MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL at Cecil College, Elkton MD January 9th, 7:30-9:30 PM, Champions Club Clubhouse, Magnolia DE - The 7 Chakras October 24th, 7:30-9:30PM, CHAMPIONS CLUB CLUBHOUSE, MAGNOLIA, DE - "Dream Interpretation" OCTOBER 6th, 3:00 PM - FEATURED GUEST, PSYCHIC - ASTROLOGER JUDI THOMASES, ON "THE TAROT TALK" RADIO SHOW - on BlogTalkRadio.com SEPTEMBER 28TH, NOON-4:30PM - SECOND & CHARLES BOOKSTORE April 20th, 1:00 - 3:00PM - DELAWARE AUTHORS AND AUDIENCES, KENT COUNTY LIBRARY November 10th, 11 - Noon - "WISDOM'S GAME", Acorn Books, Dover, DE October 15th, 7 - 9PM - "AMAZING ENERGY PATTERNS... TODAY!", Bay Dreams., Chesapeake City MD Apr. 28th, 1-3 PM - FEATURED AUTHOR AT "AUTHORS & AUDIENCES" BOOK EVENT, Kent Library, Camden DE Mar. 29th - FEATURED GUEST ON "NEW PERSPECTIVES" RADIO SHOW - Topic: All is Chosen. Now archived on http://www.rocklandworldradio.com/program/new_perspectives/.