If you like what you see on WisdomPath.com, and wish to exchange mutual links, please contact us for more information.
- Inner Realm - monthly column called "Teachings of the Brotherhood" by Judi Thomases via spirit guides.
- Dell Horoscope Magazine - frequent contributor of astrological articles, and monthly column called "Teachings of the Brotherhood" by Judi Thomases via spirit guides Publisher
- Cypress House - publisher of "Wisdom's Game: How to Change Life's Pain into Joy", by Judi Thomases
- metaphysicalengineers.com - Quantum Medicine and Spiritual Science by Dr. Vinson DiSanto. Mention: "DR. D. REFERRED YOU"
- www.astrologers.com (The American Federation of Astrologers) - Judi is a member of this national organization of astrologers.
- www.geocosmic.org(The National Council for Geocosmic Research) - Judi is a member of this national organization of astrologers.
- www.astrologynyc.org (N.C.G.R. NYC) - the New York City chapter of the N.C.G.R., of which Judi is a member.
- www.RBWN.org - (The Rockland Business Women's Network) - Judi is a past Board member of this organization.
- www.BlueHorizons.us (Blue Horizons) - Judi is past-Media Consultant and Marketing Coordinator of this network of professional holistic healers. Also, hosted its cable tv show "Meet the Healers".
www.thenewage.com (Matrix software) - Judi uses this astrological software program for most of her horoscopes and reports.
- www.halloran.com (AstrolDeluxe software) - Judi often uses this astrological software program for her horoscopes.
- www.capricorn-astrology-software.com (Astrology Software - unrated by Judi) - Develop Astrology Software Astrology Explorer 3D and offer Free Online Astrology Birth (Natal) Chart Generation Horoscope.

"Above & Beyond" hosted by Laura Smith on Lime (Sirius satellite) radio, Channel 114, 10 AM Eastern, weekdays. Judi has been a frequent featured guest astrologer.
- www.thelivingweb.net The Living Web Super Portal - World wide wealth of information that will entertain, amaze and enlighten you. Helpful tips to save you time and money, as well as live a more productive and successful lifestyle.
- www.VikkiAnderson.com - Judi offers monthly channelings by The Brotherhood of Light Workers here, and hosts a chatroom.
- www.newagepointofinfinity.com (New Age Center, Nyack) - Judi offers talks through this center, and has an ad on this site.
- www.brassringbooks.com (the Seth web ring home page) - Judi was a member of the now-defunct Seth Network International, a network of followers of the Seth teachings.
- www.aquaac.org (Aquarian Age Community/Diamond Light Newsletter) - a newsletter of an organization dedicated to Theosophy and the teachings of the world masters.
- www.bota.org (Builders of the Adytum mystery school organization) - an organization dedicated to the Mystery School teachings about the Tarot.
- www.Astrostar.com (AstroStar Astrology) (Unrated by Judi) - "Discover the fun as well as the serious side of astrology. Astrology and New Age resources and horoscopes, articles, discount books, twin souls and soul mates message board, and more. Guaranteed to have something you haven't seen before."
- www.PsychicAdvantage.com - (Unrated by Judi) "the web's newest psychic information resource".
- www.CynthiaKillion.com (New Age Entrepreneurs) - An interview with Judi is posted, and a Lightworker's Directory is in progress.
