Softcover, Cypress House
128 pages, $12.95
ISBN 1-879384-57-4
The reason that the soul chooses to live within a constricted pattern, instead of vast and without boundaries, is that there is more to play with when there is smallness and limitation than there is when there is hugeness and great empowerment."

The Wisdom Buffet is open! Food for the hungering soul! Learn the Wisdom System™, one Level at a time.
This is a work-in-progress which will soon have a membership club. Find out about the Continuum -- begin to raise your consciousness to higher levels -- join the threads of Global Mind as it begins to understand itself and its game. Post your comments or questions.
(Latest: "What happens to consciousness in a coma?") You are the Universe, waking up!
Powerful, channeled teachings from a group entity, The Brotherhood of Light Workers, will deepen your understanding of the meaning of life: why you came to Earth, your soul's purpose, and the reason for your pain and suffering. A game is being played by each soul, and you hold the tools for winning - all you need to do is figure out the rules. Preparation is the key. Look at it this way, salvation is like paying for a life insurance policy - you only get to reap the fruit of your labors at the very end. Suffering is a necessary obstacle, but you don't have to get trapped in it. Instead, you can learn to view the world in a new way, accept life's pain willingly, and use it to grow stronger and wiser.
Spirit is playing a game.
The game is that the world is you and you are the world!
- What does that mean?
- How does it feel?
- How can the game be won?
This material was given to help ordinary people see that life's pain and dissatisfaction is normal, but that continual suffering from it need not be endured.
It is a message of how to find that awakening, and how to proceed from there.
Wisdoms Game is also available as an Audio Book (Author's Reading)
2CD Set. (Click to order) |